Blue Flag Vol. 8 by KAITO

The fallout from Toma’s confession continues in Blue Flag Vol. 8 by KAITO. Toma goes back to school, but he skips class. Futaba finally finds him at the school garden, and the two argue about their feelings and somehow end up in a compliment war. Futaba confesses that she feels insecure because she thinks Taichi is considering Toma’s confession and she’s not sure he’ll stay with her. And it’s doubly hard because she also cares about Toma and wants him to be happy.

It seems that someone has to get hurt for one of them to get a happy ending. And neither of them like the idea of that.

Toma stops coming to school, and, concerned for him, Taichi and Futaba both go to his house, only to find out from Akiko that he has already moved out and is doing a live-in job. The next day, Taichi and Futaba take a shinkansen to see Toma, and Futaba flees once they find him so that Taichi and Toma can talk.

What will Taichi tell Toma? What will he choose? Will the three of them have a friendship after everything?

What does the future hold for them?

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Blue Flag Vol. 7 by KAITO

Blue Flag Vol. 7 by KAITO picks up where volume 6 left off. Taichi has just been confessed to by his childhood best friend, and he has no idea what to do.

Gossip is still flying around school, with some girls even saying that Taichi should break up with Futaba and get together with Toma just because it would be romantic.

Masumi and Futaba ask Mami what happened, since she was there to witness it, and she explains that Kensuke grabbed Toma, and Toma punched him. When she tried to intervene, Toma pushed Mami, which made Shingo join the fight. At first, Mami says it’s none of Masumi’s business what they were fighting over, but then Masumi reveals that she knows who Toma loves.

And then she accidentally reveals who she loves.

Meanwhile, Mami’s friends Shoko and Saya bring a stunned Taichi to Kensuke’s house, where Kensuke and Shingo are waiting to talk to him. Shoko and Saya berate Kensuke for being homophobic, and Taichi sits there, confused, as the group argues about values and beliefs.

It’s been three days, and Toma is finally returning to school… How will everyone react?

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Blue Flag Vol. 6 by KAITO

In Blue Flag Vol. 6 by KAITO, it’s culture festival time, and everyone at Ao High School is busy with preparations for the festival. Third year students are exempt from participating, but that doesn’t mean they can’t! Futaba helps out with the horticulture club while Taichi goes off to study, though they plan to go to the concert at the end of the festival together.

However, on his way to the study center, Taichi runs into Toma and his friends and they end up hanging out for most of the day. Taichi and Toma get crepes and eat them outside together and end up getting into a small fight. Taichi thinks Toma is easy going and good at everything naturally, and Toma asserts that he doesn’t have it easy at all and that he works really hard. He gets mad at Taichi and leaves him alone to go to the baseball game.

Meanwhile, Masumi runs into Akiko, Toma’s sister-in-law, and asks her what a “happy life” even looks like. When Akiko asks what is weighing on her, Masumi comes out to her. Akiko doesn’t really understand, but she tries to be supportive and give advice about living your best life as yourself.

After the game, Toma meets up with his friends at the Fashion Club, where Mami offers to do Toma’s makeup. The others leave, and Mami confesses that she loves Toma but just wants to be friends. Toma confesses that he’s in love with someone else—and reveals who just as the rest of his friends come back.

His friend Kensuke doesn’t take it well, and he, Toma, and Shingo are suspended for fighting. But still, the secret gets out and the rumor mill begins to churn… leaving Taichi uncertain.

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Blue Flag Vol. 5 by KAITO

Futaba accidentally confessed at the fireworks festival, and now she and Taichi are dating. The only problem is, now they’re having trouble actually spending any time together once school starts. From studying for college exams to spending time with friends, it seems that something is always in the way.

And then there’s Mami, who has taken a sudden interest in Taichi.

Mami is one of Toma’s friends, and she’s very obviously interested in him and likes him a lot, but Toma, for obvious reasons (though not obvious to the people around them), doesn’t return her interest. So when she starts hanging out with Taichi and his friends, everyone is suspicious of her motivations. Is she just trying to get close to Toma through Taichi? Is she trying to sabotage Taichi’s new relationship? What exactly is she trying to do?

Blue Flag Vol. 5 by KAITO delves into the mystery that is Mami and asks important questions about friendships and relationships and gender.

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Blue Flag Vol. 4 by KAITO

Blue Flag Vol. 4 by KAITO opens with an argument between Toma and his older brother Seiya, who has been taking care of Toma since their parents died when Toma was young. Toma doesn’t want to go to college, wants to just graduate and get a job and move out, and Seiya wants to know why. He ropes Taichi in to get the truth out of Toma, and Taichi and Toma have a heart to heart.

It turns out, Toma just wants to be free.

Toma and Futaba bond—over liking Taichi, though neither of them know the other does—and plan an outing for the four friends (including Masumi) to go to a fireworks festival to celebrate Taichi’s birthday.

And at the festival, a confession takes Taichi by surprise.

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Blue Flag Vol. 3 by KAITO

Toma is in the hospital with a broken leg. When Taichi jumped into the street to save a cat from an oncoming car, Toma jumped after him and pushed him out of the way—but now Toma’s chances to play in the baseball tournament are smashed, as are possibly his dreams of becoming a professional player scouted during the tournament.

Taichi feels guilty for his part in Toma’s lost chances, but Toma doesn’t blame him. All he wants is to hold Taichi’s hand while they watch their team’s final game in the tournament.

Meanwhile, Futaba discovers that she is actually in love with Taichi and stands by his side as he struggles with his guilt—and his jealousy.

Blue Flag Vol. 3 by KAITO continues to watch Taichi, Toma, Futaba, and Masumi come of age as their last summer vacation of high school begins and love blossoms.

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Blue Flag Vol. 2 by KAITO

I previously read Blue Flag Vol.1 last year, and I figured it was about time to read the second one! (I even ordered all the other volumes… Hey, they were on sale, don’t judge me.)

Blue Flag Vol. 2 by KAITO opens with Taichi and his friends discussing their grades and their future plans. Taichi isn’t sure what he wants to do after college, or even what to major in, and he wonders what Futaba and Toma will do. Their friendship is deepening, to the point where Toma suggests they all call each other by their first names, but Taichi still doesn’t know what they want to do when they graduate. When he finds out that Toma doesn’t plan to go to college, he wonders if Toma has given up his dream of becoming a professional baseball player.

In the meantime, they have their last high school sports festival to prepare for, and Taichi is slowly but surely developing a crush on Futaba, even though he doesn’t want to admit it to himself. Taichi confesses to Futaba’s friend Masumi that he has a history of indecisiveness and inaction and that he wants to change for the better.

But this change comes with a price. And when Taichi finally springs into action, tragedy strikes.

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Lore Olympus Vol. 5 by Rachel Smythe

Lore Olympus Vol. 5 (Episodes 103–126) by Rachel Smythe, continues the story of Hades and Persphone and delves deeper into Persephone’s past. Why did her name change from Kore (“Maiden”) to Persephone (“Bringer of Death”)?

It’s been an eventful two weeks (!) since Persephone came to live with Artemis, and she already has a lot of secrets. And those secrets are coming to light. After having to deal with paparazzi revealing her non-relationship with Hades and the gossips of Olympus, Persephone now must contend with more gossip—this time about her Act of Wrath.

The drama increases in Lore Olympus Vol. 5 and Hades and Persephone’s relationship is in danger of ending before it’s even begun.

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Fangirl: The Manga #3 by Rainbow Rowell and Gabi Nam

When we left Cath at the end of Fangirl: The Manga #2, she had just witnessed her crush Levi kissing someone else. Shocked, Cath leaves the party with Reagan and resolves to avoid Levi and cut him out of her life. She faces another betrayal when her writing partner, Nick, claims the story they’ve been writing together as his own. Then she gets a call from her dad’s boss that her dad isn’t doing well and has been taken to the hospital. Everything seems to be falling apart, and when she finds Reagan drunk in bed, she has no choice but to call the one person she’s been avoiding.

Cath will have to draw on strength she doesn’t even realize she has to make it through her life’s drama and come out the other side with her heart intact… and just when things seem to have settled, she gets a phone call from another person she’s been avoiding. What will Cath do? 

Rainbow Rowell and Gabi Nam deliver another exciting chapter in Cath’s life, juxtaposed next to chapters of Simon Snow’s life, in Fangirl: The Manga #3 that is sure to captivate new and old fans alike.

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Lore Olympus Vol. 4 by Rachel Smythe

Trigger Warning: Discussion of rape.

Spoiler Warning! I will be spoiling Lore Olympus Volumes 1–4 (Episodes 1–102, if you’re reading the webcomic) below the cut. You’ve been warned!

Lore Olympus Vol. 4 by Rachel Smythe explores Persephone’s anger, and her attempts to put distance between herself and rage. Apollo continues to stalk her and bother her, and she finally lashes out at him—by stealing his lyre and cutting its strings! Her anger summons the god of war Ares back to Olympus, where he seeds some mayhem amongst all the gods.

Meanwhile, Persephone and Hades still spend time together and flirt, and Persephone finally decides to confess her feelings—and Hades decides to act on his and break up with Minthe.

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