Pageboy by Elliot Page

Prompts Filled: (30) A book with a one-word title you had to look up in a dictionary, (41) A memoir that explores queerness

Tags: Memoir, Celebrity Memoir, Trans Memoir, Queer Memoir, Trans, Transgender, Trans Man, Gender, Sexuality, Heteronormativity, Cisnormativity, Queer, LGBTQIA, Homophobia, Transphobia, Dead Names, Misgendering, Gender Dysphoria, Closeted, Coming Out, Hollywood, Child Stars, Child Actors, Child Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Bullying, Sexual Assault, Rape, Statutory Rape, Mental Health, Mental Illness, Eating Disorders, Anorexia, Anxiety, Therapy, Grief, Healing, Acting, Juno, Inception, Hard Candy, Permaculture, Friendship, Relationships, Trans Rights

Elliot Page came out publicly as trans in December 2020, sparking a national conversation about trans rights and the pain of being closeted. In his memoir Pageboy, Elliot writes about his personal journey, about “wanting to be a boy” as a child, and relates the struggle and pain he experienced in being closeted. In several speeches, he has said that he hopes his coming out will help other people discover and embrace themselves. His memoir is an extension of that.

Sparked Joy: 5/5

Fun fact! I actually went to the San Francisco stop on Elliot’s book tour in 2023. He was in conversation with Jes Tom, and they talked about the memoir, about being trans, about their shared struggles, about their inspirations. I had not read the book yet, but my friend had tickets, so I tagged along. It was a wonderful conversation, and the shared joy and pain in the theater was magical. I remember people asking thoughtful questions and sharing their gratitude for Elliot’s presence and for his sharing his story. He seemed a bit shy, but I hope we made him feel welcome and loved.

Anyway, the memoir itself: It’s beautifully written. Painful, heartbreaking, but also hopeful. Hopeful that, by telling his story and sharing it with cis and trans people alike, readers will better understand what it’s like to be closeted, the suffering it causes, and the joy of accepting oneself, coming out, and coming into one’s own.

Something I Learned: So, Elliot came out as gay in February of 2014, before the Supreme Court legalized same-gender marriage in June 2015 (Obergefell v. Hodges). Then he came out as a trans man in December 2020. Both times were brave and fraught decisions, because Hollywood has been and still is very queerphobic and unfriendly to out and open LGBT people. I didn’t realize exactly how queerphobic Hollywood is. I sort of thought that it was an LGBT-friendly industry, more so than other industries. But here I learned I was way off.

I also learned about permaculture!

Something I’m Inspired to Do: 😭 I want to own a small house so badly and have a garden with native plants and vegetables and practice permaculture. I have a bunny! I have a perfect source of compost material!

Pageboy was published in 2023. Here is Elliot Page’s website and his Instagram. Support your local bookstore if you can, or visit your local library!